Monday, July 16, 2012

Cat and Dog Chest Injury

Here is what you should know about chest injuries..
CALL THE VET IMMEDIATELY. The chest is well protected by the ribs, but small
dogs and cats are especially vulnerable to serious punctures that go into
the lungs.
ASSESS BREATHING. If your pet has her neck stretched out, and is taking
deep labored breaths, be concerned about a puncture extending into the
lungs. The condition in which the lungs collapse is called pneumothorax,
and this requires immediate care. Your veterinarian has to place a needle
into the chest and remove the pressure so that the lungs can begin to work again.
CONTROL BLEEDING. If there is significant bleeding, stop it. I seldom see
this in external chest wounds. The easiest way is to place a gauze square
or sanitary napkin over the wound and apply pressure for 5 minutes. If it
soaks through add another pad on top of the original one.
SHOCK. Any serious chest wound can lead to shock. Wrap your pet
in a blanket to keep him warm, place a few drops of honey in his
gums, and get to your vet ASAP. There are more details on shock on page.
WOUND CARE. Every chest wound should first be covered. If you can hear
a "sucking" noise, then the wound goes into the lungs. First cover the
wound with a large amount of K-Y jelly. Then wrap the wound and K-Y jelly
with Saran Wrap. This will seal the wound and prevent further air from
entering the lung cavity. This may give your pet the extra time you need
to rush to the vet and receive emergency treatment.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Ear Infections

3 Remedies that YOU can use now for ear infections

Healing oils are especially helpful if your dog’s ears are inflamed and difficult to touch. You can use a mixture of 1 tablespoon of Olive Oil combined with 1 capsule of Vitamin E and crushed garlic. Insert that into your pets ear. Let it soak for 5 minutes, then rub the base of the ear well and wipe out excess debris with a cotton ball. The garlic is anti-fungal, so often helps with recurring ear infections.

A common remedy most pet owners have around their home are antihistamines. Benadryl is the most commonly used antihistamine. It is given at a dose of 1 mg per pound of body weight, 2-3 times a day. It is best to consult your veterinarian before using these medications. It often takes 14 days of using these to see if they are helping.

Most ear infections produce red, inflamed ears, so it is important to decrease the inflammation. Aloe and Calendula can be applied topically in the ears twice daily to decrease inflammation. These have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, and in many cases successfully resolve the ear infection.

We recommend NuVet Plus to prevent ear infections