Sunday, July 28, 2013

Your Pet Has a Dry Rough Coat

Your pet dog or cat has a dry rough coat.
You think you are feeding the best formulas on the market.
But guess what? Most of those brands, even the ones from specialty markets,
are either extruded for ease of chewing or cooked at high temperatures which destroys
most of the needed nutrients.
There are two exceptions to this however as far as I can see.
Number one is Flint River Ranch Dog Food which is baked in low slow ovens so the
nutrients stay nutritious.
And Flint River Ranch is shipped to your home fresh from the ovens, not left on shelves
in stores or warehouses at whatever temperature hot or cold and certainly not found at Flea Markets.
You can find Flint River Ranch from the manufacturer. Please make sure that you use my
distributor code aaaa2333 so  you become one of my clients.

The other exception is NuVet Plus all natural supplements for your dogs and cats.
The tabs are cold pressed. No heat at all.
I have a long haired cat who had a dull coat and had trouble shedding.
NuVet Plus is almost like an overnight remedy.
I tried an experiment in not giving my cat NuVet Plus for 2 weeks and noticed a big change
back to the old dry dull coat.
You can get Nuvet Plus from the manufacturer and it is 100% guaranteed.
Again as with Flint River Ranch please use my distributor code 66819 when ordering and 
if asked tell them you saw this article on my blog.

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